
2016_croppedI am a Graphics/Web Designer by trade, Mom/Wife 24/7.  Been known as a terrible cook for years, in fact hubby refused to eat my cooking so we resorted to eating out every single night. With the economy down turn, in the beginning of 2009 I decided to start cooking at home to save money, with good online recipe searching skills and determination, the family actually seem to enjoy what I’ve came up with. I started this blog in 2010 to keep track of week night dishes and recipes, also to share photos of the food we enjoy. Hope to meet some new friends and fellow foodies. Please feel free to leave me comments, love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!


If you have any comments, or any fabulous recipes that deserves to be shared, please notify me via Facebook:


While you are there, don’t forget to “like” my page for latest recipe/meal photo updates!

12 Comments Add yours

  1. Melissa says:

    I am SO impressed. Your food looks AWESOME. I don’t know how to cook at all, but I think I might try some of these. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Jeno says:

      Oh Thank you so much Melissa! I was absolutely terrible at cooking, but after some practicing, I’ve realized it can be very fun and rewording, the money saved from not eating out as often is not too shabby either! Let me know what you think of the recipes if you do decide to give them a try!

  2. Jennifer Parker says:

    I love it! Keep it up. The food pics and recipes look and sound amazing! I want a simple recipe for a really good chinese brown sauce. Do you have one?

    1. Jeno says:

      Hey Jennifer! Here is my tried and true brown sauce recipe:
      3 tablespoons chicken broth
      2 tablespoons oyster sauce
      1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine or dry sherry
      1/2 teaspoon sugar
      Mix the above ingredients together and pour when the stir fry is almost cooked through, stir and cover evenly, voila!

  3. Sissi says:

    I am so happy I have discovered your blog (thanks to Nami, from Just One Cookbook). I can’t believe you were “known as a terrible cook for years”. You give an impression of a really experienced cook (and photographer!). I will certainly come back and am already planning to prepare your marinated tofu… Congratulations!

    1. Jeno says:

      Hi there Sissi! Thank you so much for the compliments! I’ve always had a passion for food, the eating part, not the cooking part! My earlier dishes reflected that completely, so even though I was very unhappy with my husband’s reaction to my cooking skills, looking back, I realize why he detested eating my food and take full responsibility for it now a days. Hoping to hear more from you and looking forward to your postings also!

  4. Hi Jeno! I just came here via Nami’s blog. 🙂 I love that you’ve started this cooking project, and I’m interested in reading more because Asian cuisine is my absolute favorite!

  5. candice says:

    Hi Jeno! I came across your page via Nami’s blog. As my fiance and I are saving up for our wedding, I’m trying to eat out less. Like you, I have a passion for food too, mostly the eating part. However, I’ve recently enjoyed cooking more as it’s a way to de-stress and can actually be quite fun. Anyway, I can’t wait to try your recipes as they look divine. =)

    1. Jeno says:

      Hi Candice! Welcome and I am so happy you commented! It’s great you are trying to save up for the wedding and your new life together, this has got to be an exciting time for your and your fiance! Cooking at home has saved us a lot of expenses, and I truly feel it’s the healthier thing to do. Not to mention making the meals has become a nice downtime for me… After designing all day, putting on headphones and cook my family a nice meal actually relaxes me for the evening. Hope you are going to enjoy this as much as I do!

  6. Hey! just found your site. I’m so glad I did you have a lot of good recipe ideas! I’m just starting to cook, its hard thinking up different things everyday for the hubs. =)

    1. Jeno says:

      Hi there! Thank you so much for visiting! I just liked your FB page, looking forward to your lovely postings in the near future!

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