Easy Korean Seafood Pancake

Hi everyone! LONG time no see, I am not too proud to leave you guys hanging, though this is my 200th posting, and I was waiting to share something very special. Even though I’ve been cooking and testing recipes on a regular basis, but nothing seemed worthy of being the “IT” posting. In my mind…

Mongolian Hot Pot

As I am sitting here typing this post, my skinny jeans are about to burst, and I wanted to share with you all the reason why I am in this predicament… Mongolian Hot Pot! You see my Dad used to tell us that our Grandmother’s family was related with the Chinese emperor, for some reason…

Asian Lemon Fish

Wow, it is almost Wednesday already? Since the beginning of November, my little girl started taking piano lessons on Monday evenings, which means we would grab something fast for dinner, or I would cook something in the crock-pot so dinner time is not so rushed. Tuesday nights I would try to cook something hubby and…

Viet Style Fried Squid

Hi All! I know it’s been a LONG while since the last time I posted, work life got the best of me… My motto is try to not be a cry baby as much as I can, and to see the positive in things. So even though the project I have been stressed about has…

Sweet and Sour Fried Fish Fillets

Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of postings in the last couple of weeks. Do you ever go through “Burn-Outs” with cooking? I definitely go through periods of time when I just want to make something simple and not experiment with new recipes. Of course there are periods of time when I don’t feel like…

Vietnamese Salt & Pepper Calamari

At last weekend’s grocery shopping trip, I ventured into the frozen seafood section, realizing there are variations of squids for sale, each bag costs less than $5! I couldn’t believe my luck and picked up a bag. Growing up my Mama would make these delicious stir fried squid dishes, she would always warn us there’s…

Herb & Lime Pan Fried Fish

Hello my old and new foodie friends! It’s been a very productive week, 4 meetings in 1 week, one of them was particular exciting, because I got to visit an award winning international cosmetic company! Just getting into their brand new office building was thrilling enough, who knew my client had some surprises in store…

Crab Fried Rice

Been a crazy couple of days, Mother’s Day didn’t turn out as relaxing as I hope it to be, but a Mother’s life is suppose to be filled with activities and excitement anyway, so no complains here! This week’s schedule is jam packed, with design project deadlines and my little girl’s first grade classes coming…

Steamed Fish

Frozen Basa fish fillets are a stable in my household, they are inexpensive, tasty, and absolutely none of that weird fishy smell that I can’t stomach. This recipe is adapted from Rasa Malaysia, my family did find it to be on the sweeter side (we have more of a savory taste when it comes to…

Black Bean Sauce over Tofu & Shrimp

Through my new Foodie friend Nami at Just One Cookbook I joined Food Buzz a few days ago. It’s been so wonderful to see all the postings and passionate people who are willing to build such a HUGE community and share their recipes/experiences! I am feeling even more motivated to cook new dishes and think…

Crab Cakes

Since the big can of crab meat is open and only 1/3 of it has been used, I decided to use the rest last night. My generous neighbor had mentioned he makes simple crab cakes, so I decided it’s time to give it a try. Gotta tell ya, these are almost as good as the…

Tofu with Crab Meat

So my very generous neighbor gave me 2 big o cans of crab meat yesterday, though I had a hard time finding a good Asian recipe that has lump crab meat as a main ingredient. Somehow tofu came into my mind and this certainly was a good combination! Very easy to prepare also… Ingredients *2…